Think Inside



Disrupting the norm, redefining the status quo and thinking “outside the box” have become mainstream in the tech space. In complex countries like South Africa, riddled with limitations and constraints, disruption alone is not enough. Designing technology without paying attention to this local context will result in failure.

As technology visionaries and designers, we embrace our local challenges as an opportunity space that defines our own box. This box induces creativity and shapes our frugal, relevant and context driven innovations. We call our highly localized approach to innovation, the "Think Inside" principle.

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.smart lockers

In South Africa, a patient's experience tends to be one of long waiting times, typically above 3 hours on average. This poses potential adherence barriers which may lead to poor health outcomes and places a strain on the patients in terms of transport costs and loss of income. Having to take time off work to travel to the clinic is already an inconvenience but coupling this will long queues makes this unbearable. This is the core issue that Pelebox is positioned to address. Pelebox Smart Locker reduces the average waiting time from 3 hours to less than 2 minutes

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Pelebox Smart Locker Image
About Image


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with us.

Our team would love to chat to you and find more creative solutions for all of the challenges we face!

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think inside.

Johannesburg Office

Technovera Pty Ltd,
Tshimologong Precinct,
41 Juta Street, Braamfontein,
Johannesburg, 2001
South Africa

Pretoria Office

The Innovation Factory,
6 Mark Shuttleworth Street,
The Innovation Hub, Lynnwood,
Pretoria, 0087
South Africa

+27 79 028 5327

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